Rabbits are crepuscular, meaning they're most active at dusk and dawn. Rabbit parents like me find that these times correspond nicely with their working days. Frodo and Sam sleep while Micah and I work.crepuscular \krih-PUS-kyuh-luhr\, adjective:
1. Of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight; dim.
2. (Zoology) Appearing or active at twilight.
Crepuscular comes from Latin crepusculum, "twilight," from creper, "dark, obscure."
I've been through their checkout and noted its resemblance to Hades - the crepuscular gloom, the dungeon lighting, the mile-long shuffling queue, the glum, sickly faces, the trolleys piled high with flat-pack cardboard units. --John Walsh, "btw,"
Independent, February 12, 2005
In the crepuscular lobby, a broad circle of monitors laid on their backs on the floor blinked up at a laser show spiraling across a tentlike scrim stretched just below the building's blacked-out skylight. --David Joselit, "Planet Paik - Nam June Paik's works,"
Art in America, June, 2000
But Monet pursued the blood-red sun rather than the blanched moon, favouring the strangely crepuscular effects created by noxious London smogs during the day. --Richard Cork, "Relay race,"
New Statesman, February 28, 2005
Most communication systems in luminescent fireflies have been studied in nocturnal species; little is known concerning communication in crepuscular and diurnal species. --Nobuyoshi Ohba, "Flash Communication Systems of Japanese Fireflies,"
Integrative and Comparative Biology, June 2004
Source: Dictionary.com