Welcome to my online "Frodo Album" featuring pictures of my family as well as excerpts from my exciting bunny life! My girlfriend Samwise has been with us for almost a year since we adopted her from the House Rabbit Society. This blog is a portrait of the lives of two bunnies in Ohio.
That toy looks fun! I'm gonna see if Mama will let me have cap next time she finishes a bottle of that detergent.
Mommy puts them in the dishwasher first to get rid of that detergent smell and taste.
Good idea. Mama said she'll do that too. She's also asking if the plastic breaks off easily - not wanting me to get pieces of plastic in my mouth because I will eat them.
The plastic caps will chip if the bunnies chew on them--I have to supervise with these toys. Frodo has been known to chew on them when I'm not looking.
Frodo likes it when I stack a bunch of these up and he gets to knock them down. Downy caps make nice mini blocks. Samwise likes to throw them everywhere.
--Frodo's mommy
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